

卫生服务 closely monitors outbreaks of illness(es) that could potentially become 基于标准的公共卫生问题 疾病控制中心世界卫生组织. The CDC closely monitors any widespread, contagious illness 和 provides guidance to both healthcare 提供者s 和 the public on how to protect from the illness 和 防止疾病传播.


卫生服务 follows the CDC guideance for testing, treatment, isolation 和 vaccination 对于新型冠状病毒肺炎.



新型冠状病毒肺炎 testing is recommended for those who have 新型冠状病毒肺炎 symptoms 和 should happen 一旦出现症状.  卫生服务部门提供检测:

  • 家庭自测: At home test kits are antigen rapid tests that produce 结果 in 10 - 15 minutes. 阳性结果非常准确可靠.


  • 医学评估测试:  Appointments are available with a medical 提供者 for symptomatic patients.   拨打828-227-7640与分诊护士交谈.  测试结果可于 与医生的预约.


  • The CDC recommends self isolation until you have no fever for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medication 和 your other symptoms are improving.
  • If you need assistance with a medically documented absence notification, email the 学生事务处,网址:studentaffairs@wcu.并附上一份试卷副本 结果. 如果您有任何疑问,请致电学生事务处828-227-7147.

If you are interested in obtaining the latest COVID booster, please visit http://www.vaccines.gov/ 安排在你最方便的地方接种疫苗.

On March 1, 2024 the CDC revamped isolation guideance for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 和 combined it 其他呼吸道病毒. 有关所有呼吸道病毒的更多信息可在 发现: http://www.Diseases预防控制中心.gov/respiratory-viruses/guidance/respiratory-virus-guidance.html

Influenza, the flu, is a contagious respiratory virus that can cause mild to severe illness 和 can pose high risks for people with certain health conditions or compromised 免疫系统.

The Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC) closely monitors the spread of 流感或流感样疾病在美国的活动.
A surveillance map, along with comprehensive flu information can be found at: http://www.Diseases预防控制中心.gov/Flu/索引.htm.
There are steps that you can take to help avoid the flu 和 prevent the spread of 流感让我们的校园保持健康

  • The first 和 most important step in protecting yourself from the flu is to GET a 流感疫苗. 现在打流感疫苗还不算太晚. 而流感疫苗可能无法预防 you from getting the flu, it is proven to be effective in helping reduce the severity 如果你真的生病了,减少症状和缩短恢复时间.  卫生服务部门 镜头可用.
  • Know the symptoms of the flu, 和 seek medical care here at 卫生服务 if you 经历这些症状:
    • 发烧100度.4F/38C degrees or higher or feeling feverish (not everyone with the flu 发烧)
    • 头痛和/或身体疼痛
    • 咳嗽和/或喉咙痛
    • 流鼻涕或鼻塞
    • 发冷
    • 乏力
    • 恶心、呕吐和/或腹泻(最常见于儿童)
  • 养成良好的预防习惯,经常洗手. 尤其是在 你接触过公共区域的表面——避免触摸你的脸.  洗手 with either soap 和 warm water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based h和 用洗手液搓双手直到双手干燥.
  • Routinely wipe your pens, phones, keyboards 和 other common items that may be touched or used by individuals other than yourself, in both your work environment 和 at home.
  • Cover your mouth if you need to cough or sneeze, using a tissue or your elbow if necessary.
  • 防止细菌传播! 如果你生病了,自我隔离至少24小时 在你退烧之后. 如果你去看医生,要一个口罩,即使 you are not experiencing symptoms, you may be exposed while at that medical office.

If you are diagnosed with the flu 和 need assistance with a medically documented 旷课通知,发邮件至学生事务处 studentaffairs@gmxt.net 并附上一份你的测试结果副本.  如果你有问题,你可以打电话给学生 828-227-7147.


Mosquito-borne diseases are those spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. 疾病 that are spread to people by mosquitoes include Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya 病毒,登革热和疟疾.

Mosquitos are most commonly found near st和ing water, or in weedy or wooded areas.   They are usually most active during dawn 和 dusk in the warmer months.

Although people may not become sick after a bite from an infected mosquito, some people have a mild, short-term illness or (rarely) severe or long-term illness. 严重的病例 蚊媒疾病可致人死亡.

The simplest way to prevent these illnesses is to prevent mosquito 和 tick bites 通过使用驱虫剂.

要了解更多关于蚊子传播疾病的信息,请访问CDC: http://www.Diseases预防控制中心.gov/niosh/topics/outdoor/mosquito-borne/default.html

If you think you may be sick with a mosquito-borne illness, contact 卫生服务 at 828-227-7640.

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention) is currently tracking an outbreak of 猴痘 across several countries that don’t normally report 猴痘, including 美国. 目前,美国猴痘的风险被认为是 相对较低的. 


猴痘 was discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred 在研究用的猴群里. 尽管被命名为"猴痘 这种疾病的成因尚不清楚.

猴痘 is a rare disease caused by infection with the 猴痘 virus. 猴痘 virus is part of the same family of viruses as variola virus, the virus that causes 天花. 猴痘 symptoms are similar to 天花 symptoms, but milder, 和 猴痘 很少是致命的. 猴痘与水痘无关.


猴痘以不同的方式传播. 该病毒可通过以下途径在人与人之间传播:  

  • 直接接触传染性皮疹、结痂或体液.
  • Respiratory secretions during prolonged face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical 接触,如接吻、拥抱或性行为. 
  • Touching items such as clothing, bedding, or towels that have been used by someone 与猴痘. 


猴痘 symptoms usually start within three weeks of exposure to the virus, 和 可能包括: 

  • 发热 
  • 发冷 
  • 头疼 
  • 肌肉酸痛 
  • 疲惫 
  • 淋巴结肿大 
  • 清晰或充满脓液的肿块/皮疹


Anyone in close contact with a person 与猴痘 can get it 和 should take steps 保护自己.

  • 洗手 often with soap 和 water or use an alcohol-based h和 sanitizer.  
  • 避免密切接触和处理猴痘患者的床单. 
  • 避免在有亲密接触或性接触的封闭空间. 
  • Avoid parties or clubs where attendees wear minimal clothing 和 where there is direct, 个人的,肌肤接触.  


Always follow the discharge instructions your received from your medical 提供者. The CDC guidance for isolation recommends isolating with a private bedroom 和 bathroom 直到病变愈合,结痂脱落.  隔离可能会持续3年以上 到四周.

If you feel sick or have unexplained rashes, or you’re concerned about a potential 或者已知的暴露: 

  • 会检查. Contact 卫生服务 at 828-227-7640 or your personal medical 提供者 和 let 他们知道你是否有皮疹或担心猴痘
  • 进行测试. 你的医疗保健提供者可以检测猴痘. 
  • 得到保护. Vaccines are available in limited supply 和 can help even after exposure.

Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with people until you have been evaluated by a healthcare 提供者. 当与他人在一起时,戴上合适的口罩,并将疹子盖住.  

For more information, including information about the 猴痘 vaccine 和 examples 皮疹,请访问 http://www.Diseases预防控制中心.gov/poxvirus/Monkeypox/response/2022/index.html.
